Installation and Usage
- You will need z3 installed to use Warp.
- Install command on macOS:
brew install z3
- Install command on Ubuntu:
sudo apt install libz3-dev
- Install Python3.9 with dev dependencies (
python3.9 python3.9-venv python3.9-dev
) into your base env. If you do not have the dev dependencies installed the installation will fail.
Warp Installation Method 1
Without any virtual environment activated perform the following in order:
- Add the warp package from npm.
yarn global add @nethermindeth/warp
- Ensure the package was added by checking the version number:
warp version
- Install the dependencies:
warp install
- Test the installation worked by transpiling an example ERC20 contract:
warp transpile exampleContracts/ERC20.sol
Warp Installation Method 2 (from source/for devs)
Make sure you have the dependencies installed first.
With a virtual environment (recommended Python3.9) activated:
Clone this repo and change directory into the
folder.Install the JavaScript dependencies:
- Install the Python dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
If you are using a M1 chipped Mac and getting a 'gmp.h' file not found
error when installing Cairo run the following:
CFLAGS=-Ibrew --prefix gmp/include LDFLAGS=-Lbrew --prefix gmp/lib pip install ecdsa fastecdsa sympy
Then run the pip command above again.
- Compile the project:
yarn tsc
yarn warplib
- Test the installation worked by transpiling an example ERC20 contract:
bin/warp transpile exampleContracts/ERC20.sol
Warp 2 allows transpiling directly from Solidity to Cairo and the transpiled .cairo file can be deployed to starknet.
To transpile a solidity file, run:
warp transpile [PATH_TO_SOLIDITY_FILE]
For example:
warp transpile contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol
The output of the transpilation could be found in warp_output folder.
Now, the file can be compiled and deployed. Run the following to compile the Cairo contract:
warp compile warp_output/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20__WARP_CONTRACT__ERC20.cairo
Cairo0.10 now requires the declaration of a contract if a user is going to use a wallet to deploy.
If a wallet is not needed then you can add the --no_wallet
flag to the end of the deploy
command and skip the declare
For example:
warp deploy warp_output/demo__WARP_CONTRACT__inputs.cairo --inputs \"NETHERCOIN\",\"NTHCOIN\",10,\[5,4,2\]
The above deployment method uses solidity abi
which makes it easier for user to pass the arguments. There is also another method
for deploying which uses cairo abi
where we need to pass the length of the arrays and the value of each byte. You can refer Cairo Docs for more information.
When using --use_cairo_abi, one thing to take care of is it only supports negative numbers in 2's complement form.
A Detailed Example
Let us get hands-on with the transpiling and deploying process starting with a solidity file using warp cli commands.
We have a solidity smart contract file named simple.sol
with code :
pragma solidity ^0.8;
contract foo {
uint256 x;
constructor(uint256 _x) {
x = _x;
Now, to transpile it to cairo, we need to run the following command :
warp transpile simple.sol
The output file(.cairo) which you can find in warp_output folder looks like :
%lang starknet
from warplib.maths.external_input_check_ints import warp_external_input_check_int256
from starkware.cairo.common.uint256 import Uint256
from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_builtins import HashBuiltin
func WS_WRITE0{syscall_ptr : felt*, pedersen_ptr : HashBuiltin*, range_check_ptr : felt}(
loc : felt, value : Uint256
) -> (res : Uint256):
WARP_STORAGE.write(loc, value.low)
WARP_STORAGE.write(loc + 1, value.high)
return (value)
# Contract Def foo
func WARP_STORAGE(index : felt) -> (val : felt):
func WARP_USED_STORAGE() -> (val : felt):
func WARP_NAMEGEN() -> (name : felt):
func readId{syscall_ptr : felt*, pedersen_ptr : HashBuiltin*, range_check_ptr : felt}(
loc : felt
) -> (val : felt):
let (id) =
if id == 0:
let (id) =
WARP_NAMEGEN.write(id + 1)
WARP_STORAGE.write(loc, id + 1)
return (id + 1)
return (id)
namespace foo:
# Dynamic variables - Arrays and Maps
# Static variables
const __warp_usrid_0_x = 0
func constructor{syscall_ptr : felt*, pedersen_ptr : HashBuiltin*, range_check_ptr : felt}(
__warp_usrid_1__x : Uint256
WS_WRITE0(__warp_usrid_0_x, __warp_usrid_1__x)
return ()
If you want to compile the cairo file, you can run:
warp compile warp_output/simple__WC__foo.cairo
Please check if the path is correct, as it may be different on your system.
In order to deploy the contract to starknet the contract needs to be declared and then deployed:
warp declare warp_output/simple__WC__foo.cairo
warp deploy warp_output/simple__WC__foo.cairo --inputs 2
If you wish to deploy the contract without the use of a wallet, you can run:
warp deploy warp_output/simple__WC__foo.cairo --inputs 2 --no_wallet