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Interface Call Forwarder

This is a feature for the Warp transpiler to enable interaction between non-warped cairo contracts with a warped cairo contract (cairo file generated after transpilation of a solidity contract).

Usage: warp gen_interface [options] <file>

--cairo-path <cairo-path> Cairo libraries/modules import path
--output <output> Output path for the generation of files
--contract-address <contract-address> Address at which cairo contract has been deployed
--class-hash <class-hash> Class hash of the cairo contract
--solc-version <version> Solc version to use. (default: "0.8.14")
-h, --help display help for command

Assume you have a cairo contract add.cairo.

%lang starknet

func add(a: felt, b: felt) -> (res:felt){
return (res=a+b);

The cairo contract a.cairo has been deployed at address addr. And, we want to call add function from a warped version of a solidity contract. All you have to do is to follow these steps:

Step 1.​

Run the following command with appropriate cairo file name and its address at which it has been deployed

bin/warp gen_interface a.cairo --contract-address `${addr}` --class_hash `${cairo_contract_class_hash}`

This command will generate two files in the directory where your cairo file (in this case a.cairo) is present.

  • The generated cairo file which would look like as follows with name a_forwarder.cairo:
%lang starknet

from starkware.cairo.common.uint256 import Uint256
from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_builtins import HashBuiltin
from warplib.maths.utils import felt_to_uint256, narrow_safe
from warplib.maths.external_input_check_ints import warp_external_input_check_int256

namespace Forwarder {
func add(
a: felt,
b: felt,
) -> (res:felt){

....(omitted code in between)....

func add_771602f7 {syscall_ptr: felt*, pedersen_ptr: HashBuiltin*, range_check_ptr: felt}(
a: Uint256,
b: Uint256,
) -> (
res: Uint256,
) {
// check external input
// cast inputs
let (a_cast) = narrow_safe(a);
let (b_cast) = narrow_safe(b);
// call cairo contract function
let (res_cast_rev) = Forwarder.add(**${addr}**,a_cast,b_cast);
// cast outputs
let (res) = felt_to_uint256(res_cast_rev);
return (res,);
  • The generated solidity file (a.sol) would like as follows with
pragma solidity ^0.8.14;

/// class_hash: 0x590f5d5d27ce148a5435e25097968f38b0fe3fe991147a784b1e5c2755c472a
interface Forwarder_a {
function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) external returns (uint256 res);

Step 2.​

Declare and deploy the generated cairo file. More info at : starknet declare&deploy cairo contracts .

Step 3.​

Implement your logic using function generated inside a solidity interface object in the a.sol.

For example: my_impl.sol would be as follows:

pragma solidity ^0.8.14;

import "./a.sol";

contract WARP{
Forwarder_a public itr;
function useAdd(uint a, uint b) public returns (uint res){
return itr.add(a,b);

Step 4.​

Transpile your solidity file using

bin/warp transpile /path/to/solc_file

to get corresponding cairo code.

This is a transpiled cairo output for my_impl.sol:

%lang starknet

from warplib.maths.external_input_check_ints import warp_external_input_check_int256
from starkware.cairo.common.uint256 import Uint256
from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_builtins import HashBuiltin

....(omitted code in between)....

// Contract Def WARP

namespace WARP {
// Dynamic variables - Arrays and Maps

// Static variables

const __warp_usrid_00_itr = 0;

func useAdd_99bd125f{syscall_ptr: felt*, pedersen_ptr: HashBuiltin*, range_check_ptr: felt}(
__warp_usrid_01_a: Uint256, __warp_usrid_02_b: Uint256
) -> (__warp_usrid_03_res: Uint256) {



let (__warp_se_0) = WS0_READ_felt(WARP.__warp_usrid_00_itr);

let (__warp_pse_0) = Forwarder_a_warped_interface.library_call_add_771602f7(

return (__warp_pse_0,);

....(omitted code in between)....

func constructor{syscall_ptr: felt*, pedersen_ptr: HashBuiltin*, range_check_ptr: felt}() {

return ();

// Contract Def Forwarder_a@interface

namespace Forwarder_a_warped_interface {
func add_771602f7(__warp_usrid_00_a: Uint256, __warp_usrid_01_b: Uint256) -> (
__warp_usrid_02_res: Uint256
) {

// Original soldity abi: ["constructor()","useAdd(uint256,uint256)","itr()"]

Step 5.​

Compile & Deploy the transpiled output cairo contract and invoke the functions. More info about invoke to cairo contract : cairo contract function invoke .

For example:

starknet invoke \
--address ${CONTRACT_ADDRESS} \
--abi my_impl.json \
--function useAdd_99bd125f \
--inputs 12 0 13 0

Running tests​

For more detailed and implemented steps, you can look at the interfaceForwarder.test.ts file.

To execute interface call forwarder test, run $ yarn test:forwarder