Starknet Commands#


Class ABI#

The entro get starknet class 0x123… endpoint queries the set JSON_RPC for that specific class hash. The class ABI is parsed into a human-readable format and displayed to the user.

entro get starknet class 0x04f9849485e35f4a1c57d69b297feda94e743151f788202a6d731173babf4aec

The output will list the functions for the class in alphabetical order, followed by the events in alphabetical order. The function params with their types are displayed, as well as the output types (starknet function outputs are unnamed).

Events are displayed in the same way, with the event params and their types displayed. If an event parameter is surrounded by <>, it is indexed & extracted from the event keys. All other parameters are non-indexed and are decoded from the event data

│ ABI for Class 0x04f9849485e35f4a1c57d69b297feda94e743151f788202a6d731173babf4aec        │
---- Functions ----
  mint(to: ContractAddress) -> (U256)
  burn(to: ContractAddress) -> ((U256, U256))
  swap(amount_0_out: U256, amount_1_out: U256, to: ContractAddress, data: [Felt]) -> ()
  out_given_in(amount_in: U256, first_token_in: Bool) -> (U256)
  in_given_out(amount_out: U256, first_token_in: Bool) -> (U256)
  upgrade(new_class_hash: ClassHash) -> ()
  owner() -> (ContractAddress)
  transfer_ownership(new_owner: ContractAddress) -> ()
  renounce_ownership() -> ()
  total_supply() -> (U256)
  balance_of(account: ContractAddress) -> (U256)
  allowance(owner: ContractAddress, spender: ContractAddress) -> (U256)
  transfer(recipient: ContractAddress, amount: U256) -> (Bool)
  transfer_from(sender: ContractAddress, recipient: ContractAddress, amount: U256) -> (Bool)
  approve(spender: ContractAddress, amount: U256) -> (Bool)
  name() -> (Felt)
  symbol() -> (Felt)
  increaseAllowance(spender: ContractAddress, addedValue: U256) -> (Bool)
  decreaseAllowance(spender: ContractAddress, subtractedValue: U256) -> (Bool)
  skim(to: ContractAddress) -> ()
  sync() -> ()
  token_0() -> (ContractAddress)
  token_1() -> (ContractAddress)
  get_reserves() -> ((U256, U256))
  k_last() -> (U256)
  swap_fee() -> (U16)
---- Events ----
  Transfer(<from>: ContractAddress, <to>: ContractAddress, value: U256)
  Approval(<owner>: ContractAddress, <spender>: ContractAddress, value: U256)
  PairMint(sender: ContractAddress, amount_0: U256, amount_1: U256)
  PairBurn(sender: ContractAddress, amount_0: U256, amount_1: U256, to: ContractAddress)
  Swap(sender: ContractAddress, amount_0_in: U256, amount_1_in: U256, amount_0_out: U256, amount_1_out: U256, to: ContractAddress)
  Sync(reserve_0: U256, reserve_1: U256)
  OwnershipTransferred(previous_owner: ContractAddress, new_owner: ContractAddress)
  Upgraded(class_hash: ClassHash)

Contract Implementation#

The entro get starknet contract 0x123… endpoint queries the set JSON_RPC for the contract address, and generates an implementation history over time. (This is unique to starknet. For more info, check out the Starknet Docs)

entro get starknet contract 0x04f9849485e35f4a1c57d69b297feda94e743151f788202a6d731173babf4aec

The output will list the class_hashes implemented by the contract over time. The block_number that the class hash was implemented at is displayed to show the upgrades to the contract over time. If a contract implements a class with a proxy function, it will call this proxy function to show the proxied address over time.

In the below example for the Starknet ETH Contract, the contract was deployed at block 1407, with class 0x00de… which was a proxy. When the contract was deployed, it proxied all calls to 0x00… which was a null placeholder. At block 1472, the contract was upgraded to class 0x038c…

The proxy was upgraded another 2 times, then at block 541384, the class for Starknet ETH was replaced to class 0x05ff, which did not implement a proxy, and then the class was further upgraded at 629092 to the current implementation (as of August 2024)

│ Implementation History for Contract 0x049d36570d4e46f48e99674bd3fcc84644ddd6b96f7c741b1562b82f9e004dc7        │
    "1407": {
        "proxy_class": "0x00d0e183745e9dae3e4e78a8ffedcce0903fc4900beace4e0abf192d4c202da3",
        "1407": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
        "1472": "0x038c25d465b4c5edf024aefae63dc2f6266dd8ba303763de00da4430b5ee8759",
        "2823": "0x048624e084dc68d82076582219c7ed8cb0910c01746cca3cd72a28ecfe07e42d",
        "541380": "0x053c91253bc9682c04929ca02ed00b3e423f6710d2ee7e0d5ebb06f3ecf368a8"
    "541384": "0x05ffbcfeb50d200a0677c48a129a11245a3fc519d1d98d76882d1c9a1b19c6ed",
    "629092": "0x07f3777c99f3700505ea966676aac4a0d692c2a9f5e667f4c606b51ca1dd3420"

Runtime Complexity & RPC Calls

The contract implementation algorithm performs a binary search over the block space. Ie, it will query the starknet_getClassHashAt rpc function at the current block, then the midpoint of the block space, then the midpoint of the lower half, etc. This allows for accurate identification of implementation transitions.

This process is repeated for each new implementation. If a contract is a proxy, it performs this same algorithm, but performs a starknet_call() with the method ‘get_implementation’ instead…

For complex contracts, this requires (impl_count) * log2(latest_block_number) RPC calls, and can be expensive.

Notes on Proxies

There is no proxy standard, and there are a bunch of different implementations. A small set of ABI functions are recognized as valid proxy functions, (all others are not recognized as proxies & the proxy history isnt queried)

  • ‘getImplementation’

  • ‘get_implementation’

  • ‘getImplementationHash’

  • ‘get_implementation_hash’

  • ‘implementation’

Each of these functions returns a Felt252, which can represent anything… DO NOT ASSUME THE RESULTS FROM THIS FUNCTION ARE A VALID CONTRACT ADDRESS…

Decoded Transaction#

The entro get starknet transaction 0x123… endpoint queries the set JSON_RPC for the transaction trace, and decodes the transaction into a human-readable format. This method is useful for debugging transactions, and can fetch & decode transactions on public & private testnets as long as the RPC is correctly configured, and will be accurate the second a block is confirmed.

entro get starknet transaction 0x014d85119a1c17f0325a2f51f85d020ee3894be1327103c45ccb45ece74ff2ac

This will output a nested tree showing the decoded calls for each of the subtraces. The contract addresses are truncated in the base view for better readability, but available in the full-trace view, alongside class hashes and decoded input & output

│  Transaction Trace -- 0x014d85119a1c17f0325a2f51f85d020ee3894be1327103c45ccb45ece74ff2ac        │
Execute Trace

└──  __execute__  --  0x00b8e5a4...59130711
    ├──  approve  --  0x053c9125...ecf368a8
    └──  swap  --  0x01088417...9e944a28
        ├──  balanceOf  --  0x053c9125...ecf368a8
        ├──  transferFrom  --  0x053c9125...ecf368a8
        └──  transfer  --  0x049d3657...9e004dc7
│ Execute Events                                                                                  │
   Approval  -- 0x053c9125...ecf368a8
   Approval  -- 0x053c9125...ecf368a8
   Transfer  -- 0x053c9125...ecf368a8
   Transfer  -- 0x049d3657...9e004dc7

The same function can also be used to view detailed debug information on a transaction & events. To do this, supply the –full-trace flag to the CLI to printout full class hash & contract address info, as well as the decoded input & output for each trace

│  Transaction Trace -- 0x014d85119a1c17f0325a2f51f85d020ee3894be1327103c45ccb45ece74ff2ac                                                                                          │
Execute Trace
└──  __execute__  --  0x00b8e5a4f76d3338e9982951debbf79a9872a0498d7c01cfff63d4f859130711
     Decoded Inputs   {"calls": [{"to": "0x053c91253bc9682c04929ca02ed00b3e423f6710d2ee7e0d5ebb06f3ecf368a8", "selector":                                                                               "0x0219209e083275171774dab1df80982e9df2096516f06319c5c6d71ae0a8480c", "calldata": ["0x010884171baf1914edc28d7afb619b40a4051cfae78a094a55d230f19e944a28",                          "0xdfd6ed", "0x00"]}, {"to": "0x010884171baf1914edc28d7afb619b40a4051cfae78a094a55d230f19e944a28", "selector":                                                                    "0x015543c3708653cda9d418b4ccd3be11368e40636c10c44b18cfe756b6d88b29", "calldata": ["0x01",                                                                                        "0x053c91253bc9682c04929ca02ed00b3e423f6710d2ee7e0d5ebb06f3ecf368a8", "0xdfd6ed", "0x00", "0x0ebdfbf616faaa", "0x00"]}]}                                         Decoded Outputs  [["0x01"], ["0x0f0b011a757d2b", "0x00"]]                                                                                                                         Class Hash       0x00816dd0297efc55dc1e7559020a3a825e81ef734b558f03c83325d4da7e6253                                                                                              ╰─────────────────┴─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯
    ├──  approve  --  0x053c91253bc9682c04929ca02ed00b3e423f6710d2ee7e0d5ebb06f3ecf368a8
        Decoded Inputs   {"spender": "0x010884171baf1914edc28d7afb619b40a4051cfae78a094a55d230f19e944a28", "amount": 14669549}         Decoded Outputs  ["True"]                                                                                                      Class Hash       0x05ffbcfeb50d200a0677c48a129a11245a3fc519d1d98d76882d1c9a1b19c6ed                                           ╰─────────────────┴───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯
    └──  swap  --  0x010884171baf1914edc28d7afb619b40a4051cfae78a094a55d230f19e944a28
         Decoded Inputs   {"pool_id": "0x01", "token_from_addr": "0x053c91253bc9682c04929ca02ed00b3e423f6710d2ee7e0d5ebb06f3ecf368a8", "amount_from": 14669549, "amount_to_min":                            4149539537091242}                                                                                                                                                Decoded Outputs  [4234224017440043]                                                                                                                                               Class Hash       0x055ef1b2cb1313b8202f68ef32aaefca4133b21cbce68c4bfee453e595ce646f                                                                                              ╰─────────────────┴─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯
        ├──  balanceOf  --  0x053c91253bc9682c04929ca02ed00b3e423f6710d2ee7e0d5ebb06f3ecf368a8
            Decoded Inputs   {"account": "0x00b8e5a4f76d3338e9982951debbf79a9872a0498d7c01cfff63d4f859130711"}             Decoded Outputs  [14669549]                                                                                    Class Hash       0x05ffbcfeb50d200a0677c48a129a11245a3fc519d1d98d76882d1c9a1b19c6ed                           ╰─────────────────┴───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯
        ├──  transferFrom  --  0x053c91253bc9682c04929ca02ed00b3e423f6710d2ee7e0d5ebb06f3ecf368a8
            Decoded Inputs   {"sender": "0x00b8e5a4f76d3338e9982951debbf79a9872a0498d7c01cfff63d4f859130711", "recipient":                                                                                    "0x010884171baf1914edc28d7afb619b40a4051cfae78a094a55d230f19e944a28", "amount": 14669549}                                                                       Decoded Outputs  ["True"]                                                                                                                                                        Class Hash       0x05ffbcfeb50d200a0677c48a129a11245a3fc519d1d98d76882d1c9a1b19c6ed                                                                                             ╰─────────────────┴─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯
        └──  transfer  --  0x049d36570d4e46f48e99674bd3fcc84644ddd6b96f7c741b1562b82f9e004dc7
             Decoded Inputs   {"recipient": "0x00b8e5a4f76d3338e9982951debbf79a9872a0498d7c01cfff63d4f859130711", "amount": 4234224017440043}              Decoded Outputs  ["True"]                                                                                                                     Class Hash       0x07f3777c99f3700505ea966676aac4a0d692c2a9f5e667f4c606b51ca1dd3420                                                          ╰─────────────────┴─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯
│ Execute Events                                                                                                                                                                    │
│ Name      Approval                                                                                                                                                               │
│ Contract  0x053c91253bc9682c04929ca02ed00b3e423f6710d2ee7e0d5ebb06f3ecf368a8                                                                                                     │
│ Decoded   {"owner": "0x00b8e5a4f76d3338e9982951debbf79a9872a0498d7c01cfff63d4f859130711", "spender": "0x010884171baf1914edc28d7afb619b40a4051cfae78a094a55d230f19e944a28",       │
│           "value": 14669549}                                                                                                                                                     │
│ Name      Approval                                                                                                                                                               │
│ Contract  0x053c91253bc9682c04929ca02ed00b3e423f6710d2ee7e0d5ebb06f3ecf368a8                                                                                                     │
│ Decoded   {"owner": "0x00b8e5a4f76d3338e9982951debbf79a9872a0498d7c01cfff63d4f859130711", "spender": "0x010884171baf1914edc28d7afb619b40a4051cfae78a094a55d230f19e944a28",       │
│           "value": 0}                                                                                                                                                            │
│ Name      Transfer                                                                                                                                                               │
│ Contract  0x053c91253bc9682c04929ca02ed00b3e423f6710d2ee7e0d5ebb06f3ecf368a8                                                                                                     │
│ Decoded   {"from": "0x00b8e5a4f76d3338e9982951debbf79a9872a0498d7c01cfff63d4f859130711", "to": "0x010884171baf1914edc28d7afb619b40a4051cfae78a094a55d230f19e944a28", "value":    │
│           14669549}                                                                                                                                                              │
│ Name      Transfer                                                                                                                                                               │
│ Contract  0x049d36570d4e46f48e99674bd3fcc84644ddd6b96f7c741b1562b82f9e004dc7                                                                                                     │
│ Decoded   {"from": "0x010884171baf1914edc28d7afb619b40a4051cfae78a094a55d230f19e944a28", "to": "0x00b8e5a4f76d3338e9982951debbf79a9872a0498d7c01cfff63d4f859130711", "value":    │
│           4234224017440043}                                                                                                                                                      │


Backfill Methods can either write records to a Sqlalchemy DB_URL (Currently only postgres is supported), or it can write to CSV files, with | as the delimiter. The CSV files are specified with the –block-file, –transaction-file, and –event-file flags.

The Data Formats for the Backfills are listed in the Starknet Data Reference section of the Starknet Docs

Full Blocks#

The entro backfill starknet full-blocks endpoint performs a backfill between block ranges for Starknet. This data includes event data, transaction data, and block data.

This process also supports full ABI Decoding, and can be configured to decode from a list of ABIs that are loaded into the Decoder

entro decode add-class Starknet-ETH 0x03e8d67c8817de7a2185d418e88d321c89772a9722b752c6fe097192114621be --priority 200
entro decode add-class EKOBU-Core 0x03e8d67c8817de7a2185d418e88d321c89772a9722b752c6fe097192114621be --priority 50

entro backfill starknet full-blocks --start-block 620000 --end-block 620500 -abi Starknet-ETH -abi EKOBU-Core \
    --json-rpc http://localhost:8545 --block-file starknet-blocks.csv --transaction-file starknet-transactions.csv \
    --event-file starknet-events.csv

Before executing the backfill, entro will prompt the user with the backfill parameters

                             Backfill Block Ranges
┃ Start Block               End Block                           Total Blocks ┃
│ 620,000                   620,500                                      500 │
                          Backfill Filters & Metadata
┃ Key                     Value                                               ┃
│ json_rpc                        │
│ no_interaction          False                                               │
                                                                Cairo Decoder ABIs
┃ Name          Priority  Functions                                                                   Events                                  ┃
│ Starknet-ETH  100       'add_new_implementation', 'allowance', 'approve', 'balanceOf',              'Approval', 'GovernanceAdminAdded',     │
│                         'balance_of', 'decimals', 'decreaseAllowance', 'decrease_allowance',        'GovernanceAdminRemoved',               │
│                         'get_impl_activation_time', 'get_role_admin', 'get_upgrade_delay',          'ImplementationAdded',                  │
│                         'has_role', 'increaseAllowance', 'increase_allowance',                      'ImplementationFinalized',              │
│                         'is_governance_admin', 'is_upgrade_governor', 'name', 'permissionedBurn',   'ImplementationRemoved',                │
│                         'permissionedMint', 'permissioned_burn', 'permissioned_mint',               'ImplementationReplaced',               │
│                         'register_governance_admin', 'register_upgrade_governor',                   'RoleAdminChanged', 'RoleGranted',      │
│                         'remove_governance_admin', 'remove_implementation',                         'RoleRevoked', 'Transfer',              │
│                         'remove_upgrade_governor', 'renounce', 'replace_to', 'symbol',              'UpgradeGovernorAdded',                 │
│                         'totalSupply', 'total_supply', 'transfer', 'transferFrom',                  'UpgradeGovernorRemoved',               │
│                         'transfer_from',                                                                                                    │
│ EKOBU-Core    0         'accumulate_as_fees', 'collect_fees', 'get_call_points',                    'ClassHashReplaced',                    │
│                         'get_locker_state', 'get_owner', 'get_pool_fees_per_liquidity',             'FeesAccumulated', 'LoadedBalance',     │
│                         'get_pool_fees_per_liquidity_inside', 'get_pool_liquidity',                 'OwnershipTransferred',                 │
│                         'get_pool_price', 'get_pool_tick_fees_outside',                             'PoolInitialized',                      │
│                         'get_pool_tick_liquidity_delta', 'get_pool_tick_liquidity_net',             'PositionFeesCollected',                │
│                         'get_position', 'get_position_with_fees', 'get_primary_interface_id',       'PositionUpdated', 'ProtocolFeesPaid',  │
│                         'get_protocol_fees_collected', 'get_saved_balance', 'initialize_pool',      'ProtocolFeesWithdrawn',                │
│                         'load', 'lock', 'maybe_initialize_pool', 'next_initialized_tick', 'pay',    'SavedBalance', 'Swapped',              │
│                         'prev_initialized_tick', 'replace_class_hash', 'save', 'set_call_points',                                           │
│                         'swap', 'transfer_ownership', 'update_position', 'withdraw',                                                        │
│                         'withdraw_protocol_fees',                                                                                           │
Querying Transactions, Logs, and Receipts for Block Range
Execute Backfill?   [y/n]:

This will show the block range to query, the number of blocks to query, and the ABIs used to decode this data. If everything looks correct, the user can confirm the backfill, and entro will begin querying the RPC for the data.

During the Backfill, the CLI will display a progress bar showing the percentage of the backfill completed, the time elapsed, and the time remaining. The CLI will also display the current block being searched, and the total number of blocks searched.

Backfill StarkNet Full Blocks  ━━━━╸━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━  12% 0:00:22 0:02:19 Searched: 60/500 Searching Block: 620060


The entro tool can also backfill specific events for a contract address. This is a particularly useful tool for generating analytics datasets from just an RPC node. For this example, we will backfill the ‘Transfer’ event for the Starknet ETH contract

entro backfill starknet events --contract-address 0x049d36570d4e46f48e99674bd3fcc84644ddd6b96f7c741b1562b82f9e004dc7 --event-name Transfer \
    --from-block 620000 --to-block 640000 --json-rpc http://localhost:8545 --event-file starknet-transfer-events.csv \
    --decode-abis Starknet-ETH

This will backfill the ‘Transfer’ event for the Starknet ETH contract between blocks 620000 and 640000, and write the output to the file ‘starknet-transfer-events.csv’. The Starknet-ETH ABI will be used to decode the event data.

                         Backfill Block Ranges
┃ Start Block               End Block                           Total Blocks ┃
│ 620,000                   640,000                                   20,000 │
                                  Backfill Filters & Metadata
┃ Key               Value                                                                    ┃
│ contract_address  0x049d36570d4e46f48e99674bd3fcc84644ddd6b96f7c741b1562b82f9e004dc7       │
│ event_names       ['Transfer']                                                             │
│ abi_name          Starknet-ETH                                                             │
│ json_rpc                                       │
│ no_interaction    False                                                                    │
│ topics            [['0x0099cd8bde557814842a3121e8ddfd433a539b8c9f14bf31ebf108d12e6196e9']] │
                                                       Cairo Decoder ABIs
┃ Name          Priority  Events                                                                                             ┃
│ Starknet-ETH  100       'Approval', 'GovernanceAdminAdded', 'GovernanceAdminRemoved', 'ImplementationAdded',               │
│                         'ImplementationFinalized', 'ImplementationRemoved', 'ImplementationReplaced', 'RoleAdminChanged',  │
│                         'RoleGranted', 'RoleRevoked', 'Transfer', 'UpgradeGovernorAdded', 'UpgradeGovernorRemoved',        │
Querying Events for Contract: 0x049d36570d4e46f48e99674bd3fcc84644ddd6b96f7c741b1562b82f9e004dc7
Starknet-ETH ABI Decoding Events:
Execute Backfill?   [y/n]:


The entro tool can also backfill block timestamps for a block range. This is used by the entro.backfill.TimestampConverter which provides utilities for converting block numbers to approximate timestamps, and vice versa. This backfills timestamps using a block resolution, and when queried, will calculate the approximate timestamp for a block number.

Timestamps are cached to the system application directory by default

entro backfill starknet timestamps --json-rpc http://localhost:8545

This will backfill every 100th starknet block, and cache the timestamp for these blocks. When requesting block numbers with exact block % 100 == 0, the timestamp will be returned from the cache. Otherwise, the timestamp will be calculated by taking the average block time, and the closest_block_in_cache + (distance * average_block_time).

from nethermind.entro.backfill import TimestampConverter, SupportedNetwork

starknet_converter = TimestampConverter(SupportedNetwork.starknet, rpc_url='http://localhost:8545')

# Get the timestamp for block 620000
timestamp = starknet_converter.get_timestamp(620000)

# 2024-05-11T16:41:26+00:00