Towards a standardized model for privacy-preserving Verifiable Credentials

AbstractLack of standardization and the subsequent difficulty of integration has been one of the main reasons for the scarce adoption of privacy-preserving Attribute-Based Credentials (p-ABC). Integration with the W3C’s Verifiable Credentials (VC) specification would help by encouraging homogenization between different p-ABC schemes and bringing them all closer to other digital credentials. What is more, p-ABCs can help to solve privacy issues that have been identified in applications of VCs to use cases like vaccination passports. However, there has not been much work focusing on the collaboration between p-ABCs and VCs. We address this topic by establishing initial steps for extra standardization of elements that will help with the integration of p-ABCs into the standard. Namely, we propose a data model for predicates, which are a staple of p-ABC systems, and tools and guidelines to ease the adaptation process like a validation meta-schema. These ideas have been applied in a proof-of-concept implementation of the OLYMPUS distributed p-ABC scheme paired with serialization following the VC data model.
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Quality score3
LabelsAnonymous CredentialsVerifiable Credentials

The paper talks about a spec for privacy-preserving attribute-based credentials (p-ABC) that will be compatible with W3C’s verifiable-credential standard. (See definition of p-ABC below). In other words, this proposal can be seen as a way to add privacy to verifiable credentials in a standardized way.

While the idea of combining p-ABCs with VCs in a canonical way is well-received and relevant, the contributions of the paper look rather minor—they consist mostly of recommendations of how to modify the existing standard.

Remark: p-ABCs = anonymous credentials.

I. Introduction

What is a p-ABC?

The problem:

The paper’s contribution:

III. Verifiable credentials specification

Key concepts: verifiable credentials and verifiable presentations (sharing data from credentials to a third party)

Roles: Issuers generate verifiable credentials to holders, which use them to present information to verifiers. Process supported by a verifiable data registry—can be a blockchain.

Other definitions and constraints:

The discussion on potential privacy concerns affecting the specification and possible solutions is somewhat lacking for particular topics.

IV. Towards a data model for p-ABCs in verifiable credentials

Main goal: establishing a model for representing the predicates over attributes that characterize p-ABCs

(Source: present document)
(Source: present document)